robot in matlab

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New Member
Hi every one;

i need a help please, i am working on an industrial robot of type SCARA and want to simulate by using Matlab to see the trajoctory , workspace,..etc
so can any body give a help or a hint of how to that?

thanks in advance
How much of the work have you done so far? How familiar are you with Matlab?

First you need the routines to calculate the forward and inverse kinematics of the robot:
Forward kinematics: routine to calculate robot tip coordinates from joint parameters.
Inverse kinematics: routine to calculate the joint parameters from robot tip coordinates.

I suggest also that you use Denavit-Hartenberg parameters to describe you robot.
Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If all of the above is allready done and you are familiar with matlab, the you need to be more specific about what you are struggling with.
You could also consider using the free (LGPL) **broken link removed**

And, if you have figured out the DH-parameters of the robot you could post them here so that we get an idea of the type of the robot.
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