robot in mining

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New Member
I am thinking about making a robot that can be used in mining for detection of carbon monoxide ,change in temp etc for my final year project.I need ideas regarding this ie) about the best controller that can be used .what would be the budget for designing this project.If there are still any better ideas please suggest .
So, you want a robot that CAN mine or ASSIST in mining? Im a little confused.

Or do you want a robot that DETECTS CO and TEMPERATURE?

If so, this is easy. I dont specialize in this kinda field, I suggest bill would help you out.
My Internal Thoughts:
Autonomous and remotely operated machines already exist. The exist for land mines, for aviation, and for deep see diving. I never gave thoughts about coal excavation but am sure under ground applications for remote machines and sensory is already in operation.

I am sure a microcontroller would be part of the whole design. Your question sounds as if microcontrollers are not already being used for autonomous and remote operations and that it alone will be the next advent of mankind. Seriously, have you heard of the Mars Mission?

My Answer:
The hardest part of this one is not going to be the robot itself, or the detection method, but how to control it from the surface when its hundreds of feet underground in a mine.

What practical use would it have? Miners wear alarms that will go off if CO2 levels (or other levels of dangerous gases) get too high. I can't think of a situation where it would be useful to have a robot for the sole pupose of gas level and tempature detection.
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very simple...

add smoke sensor , temperature sensor and other preffered sensor to your robot..

these sensors circuit diagrams you'll be getting at there are many available..

The controller can be as simple as pic , 8051 .. any..

This is not a difficult project..

if you want to add robotic arms.. then add stepper motors..


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