robot without mcontroller

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New Member
hi guys
anyone can give me any help about making robot(line follower) without microcontroller
if anyone can help please email my
thanks alot
good bye;
BEAM robots use no microcontrolers. I don't beleive there is a line following BEAM robot but there are light seeking bots. Google BEAM robots for more information.
look for a circuit for a robot called "herbie". it's a line follower based around a simple comparator circuit. uses a single chip, and it's about as simple as you can get.

it can act as a light-follower, or as a line-follower with its sensors aimed at the floor, with IR LEDs pointing down as well.

**broken link removed**
Aemtehr said:
BEAM robots use no microcontrolers. I don't beleive there is a line following BEAM robot but there are light seeking bots. Google BEAM robots for more information.

It might be possible, all you need to do is build a suitable detector circuit. 2N7000 FET's are a good starting point.

I've built light sensors with these and they do work, the main problem is that they need around 6V to do anything useful.

Interestingly, the FET's used in electret microphones are often very low voltage/current so are ideal for this duty. Obtain some broken electrets from old cassette players and remove the FET's, they will likely be OK as long as they haven't been overloaded.

use discrete components

some years back i did build a lfr simply out of discrete components. All you need is two IR leds, two IR receivers, and two transisters to amplify the input signals and drive the right and left motor directly. Ofcourse this does make the robot really slow but it fulfills the task. I had used the robot over a line thickness of 1/2 an inch.
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