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New Member
Hello I am almost done with a robot I am building for a friend of mine, he gave me 3 days but then decided he wanted more things on it so he gave me 3 weeks.

I will have the photo's of the robot in 4 days the most, but just the body, I should be done with the body in a couple of days. It is a 1970 type body that resembles omnibot 2000 and Johnny 5 a little bit.

You guys should like it and believe me that I build robots in a small amount of time.
I will buy a disposable camera and take pictures of it and post it up for you to criticize.

I usually make more robots but my shed is down and is not up yet, I did not want to make any robots till it was done but since it is for a friend I will do it. Also I am only using three tools a table saw, jigsaw and a portable drill.

That is all I can take out.

Yours truly,

You are going to buy a disposable camera and take pictures of your "Johnny 5" lookalike. Hell, if you can build anything that resembles J5 then I'll buy the (digital) camera. You are so full of crap and give people such bad advice that you should be banned from this board.

Sorry, I just keep seeing mundane posts with no information that I just lost it.

Again, sorry.


I said it kind of ressembles the robot but not much, My friend wants the head to look similer but not a repilica which is easy. He likes the way omnibot 2000 looks and wants a little bit of that in it.

This is not a complete replica of no robot just has a little pinch of it.

I don't no why you are acting rude, Nigel asked me to post a photo of a the robot I made so when it is done I will do that.

So please keep your smartish mouth talk to your self, I am not trying to be a king of anything just simply showing a robot that I am making for a friend. Next time read the post before you open you mouth, because I did not state that I was building a replica of johnny 5 for my friend.

Sorry I have not been able to finish it yet due to finals for school.
I am studying to get a good grade and my friend understands, because he has todo it to.
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