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I am not in college and that is money that ny parents saved up ever since I was born. Havent you ever heard of saving for college?

Also I don't have the online business open up because the shed is not done!!!!!!!!!!!. I still have at least six months or more to finish.
I went to college and got my qualifications first, then worked my butt off to save enough money to start my first business. When that business failed, as most do, i went out and used my qualifications AND experience to get a better job. Now i can just fly to china with a prototype and have them make a few thousand for minimal cost, that's the only way to compete today. I don't like someones chances of running a succesfull business with no qualifications, no experience, a web site that's empty and without a digital camera.


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Why don't you go hump a kangaroo, plus I hired people to work with me and had an asistant.

If anyone you are the dumb .[please do not use A word]
you need to shut the [please do not use this word] up because you don't know [please do not use S and B words].

Get a life and get a deccent accent mate.

Edited by MOD Jay.slovak
Sorry to jump in here like this.

Roboticinfo be the bigger person, don't cuss it's just going to get you a bad reputation. Who cares if he doesn't believe you.

Chiba, you don't have to be so rude even if he is lieing :wink: . Yes maybe a picture would make it more convincing, but that is his business.

Sorry to preach :roll: but this seems childish!


It is kind of hard to be the bigger person when everyone is talking [please do not use this word]

I never talked smack about them and this stupid [please do not use this word]
named chiba is a good example.

DigiTan was asking help on a project and dumb [please do not use this word] chiba had to put is newbie comments and totaly making a dumb [please do not use this word] out of him self and turning that post into crap.

Me and Digitan have chated a couple of times and I consider him as a friend so I will back him up.

Generaly I am a nice person but when a stupid [please do not use this word] talks stuff it kind of pisses me off.

Edited by MOD Jay.slovak
I see your point :lol: have seen your point but if you keep cussing it's going to give you a bad reputation on this forum.

Posting Guidlines:
- No Spamming
- No Abusing Members
- No Insulting Members
- No Project Request
- No Part Requests
- No Adult Content.

I am not taking anyones side and I am not blaming you, Roboticinfo.

I have seen no photo's ether, and until this topic was posted, I didn't know that you built robots. That is why I cannot take a side.

By ignoring Chiba, you will be seen higher than him, who just came on this topic to start something.

This cussing fit will probably turn off a few visitors, especially young kids trying to find a good electronics forum.

Have a good day,

Re: reply

Please, reduce your swearing! Try not to use F, S and B words! Some members wil find it rude and not oppropriate for this type of site... :evil:

I think you should be proud everybody is talking about you.
In Digitans Air-Taser thread there was no insulting by me of anyone, I had concerns about the safety aspect of building a 100,000 volt taser. Obviously my concerns were not shared by this 15 year old and he refered to me as a newbie!?

In the Crazy Lawnmower thread, i was helping to fix a lawnmower and was subjected to a barrage of abuse, I am yet to insult him and i don't feel the need to....yet.

Now in this thread he has insulted me again, my experiences were genuine and provable and my advice was free, if he choses to ignore it then that's up to him, but insulting me was not really neccesary. I think he needs a timeout for a couple of days so he can settle down.

For the record, in my avatar there's no humping, that's an android dog
Watch out roboticinfo!

You can get baned if this goes on! No joke!

If the admin wasent such an nice guy you wod be baned allredy. (Like other forums have strict rules where you can get baned fast by doing this)

So stop it.
This was about roboticinfo. I think that even if he is not telling the truth about his shed or his robots or that he does not have a camera. I have gotten some ideas from his ideas or what he has said he has done. The fact that people keep asking for photos and proof is not out of line. There comes a time in everyones life were you have to put up or shut up and this time may be here for roboticinfo. We will see how this plays out.
That was enaugh about Roboticinfo, He is how he is... stop talking about him. Any new topic that will talk about him will get Deleted!

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