Robotics project

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New Member
Hello!Im Nat,im 17 from Cyprus,and I urgently need your help!
Me and 2 classmates took up a project.We had to purchase,assemble and program the robot Mark III,in order to move around in a black&white arena and push black and white eggs to certain places.We assembled it,but it has to be programmed using CHBasic,and we can only write codes in Visual Basic and Pascal.The project has to be done by Saturday,and its Thursday afternoon :/ so we are really desperate to finish it.
If anyone knows CHBasic,could you give us a hand with the code please?
Thank you!
every basic is kinda same. just read the Help file and write the code. if you know absolutely nothing then you have 20% chance of finishing it and 60% chance to get half way done
bloody-orc said:
every basic is kinda same. just read the Help file and write the code. if you know absolutely nothing then you have 20% chance of finishing it and 60% chance to get half way done

It comes with a specific version for the robot, with examples - so it shouldn't be too hard to modify the examples they give.
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