Rokenet motion sensor

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I have a motion sensor Make Rokenet I would like to use this sensor to drive a transistor or Relay .
I have found that when I apply 12V dc to the unit the voltage output when picking up movement is only milli volts not enough to drive a transistor or relay which I want to drive a strobe and sensor.
Can you help me out with this project
This is a photo of the sensor What I would like this to do is to close a relay when motion is detected which will activate a strobe and siren.
I do not understand the two points on the sensor Alarm and Tamper. Can I use these points to go through a amplifier to operate a relay
The symbol indicates that it is normally closed is this correct .
When I Measure the voltage I placed the meter on the Neg wirer of the voltage supply and onto the terminal of the two Points. The voltage is not stable . Operating the sensor or not

Can you help me with this project
I can add another photo of the other side of the board if required.


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