Ron to Roff

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Nigel Goodwin said:
Who wears the trousers in your house?

(I only dare say that because I'm in the attic, and she never comes up here!)

She goes to my family reunions and I go to hers. I'm actually having a pretty good time. This morning I caught a smallmouth bass and a nice walleye on the river about a mile from where we're staying (in our 33ft motorhome, on my in-laws' property). Also, I retired about 3 weeks ago. Life is good.
ThermalRunaway said:
You wanna swap Ron? You be an Electronics Engineer for the next forty years, and I'll have the next 4 decades off. Deal?

Thanks for the generous offer, Brian. I think I'll politely decline. Been there, done that, y'know?
Good deal if you can get it, though.
I have been retired for 7 years. I am so busy doing things that I don't have any free time. Every day is a holiday.
Optikon said:
After the vacation is over, what ever will you do with all that free time?
I've got so many hobbies and back-burner projects that I doubt that will be a problem. I'm a recreational gold prospector and fisherman. I have several electronics projects that have been suckin' hind tit for a couple of years. I have a dead 31" TV that is holding my shop hostage because it's too heavy for me to carry, so I have to disassemble it and throw it away in pieces (I may save a few of them).
I also have a house, a lawn, and flower beds. Many of you can relate to that.
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