RS232 with a microcontroler16F1690 code to connect to a PC

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New Member
Hi guys
It seems that I have a great need in an example codes to upload to my microcontroler . Any examples, any links with them, please!! Do not hesitate and help a beginner. Thanx a lot !
Check my tutorials, although they are for the 16F628 and 16F876/7 it's the same 14 bit core.
Tutorials are real good, thanx. Just one question which i can not figure out right now, because microcontroler is in school. Those sample codes... Will they run i c language compiler ?
vlamish said:
Tutorials are real good, thanx. Just one question which i can not figure out right now, because microcontroler is in school. Those sample codes... Will they run i c language compiler ?

No, they are assembler, most microcontroller programming is in assembler.
That's it , C programming is what I need. Have any ideas where I could find samples and tutorials for microcontoller programing in C language ?
vlamish said:
That's it , C programming is what I need. Have any ideas where I could find samples and tutorials for microcontoller programing in C language ?

Try the manufacturer of your compiler, every one is different - C isn't very standard at all!.
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