rs485 protocol

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New Member
hello guys
I have been working on rs485 basic system for mouths now.
Finally i got the pics side working.
Anywhere i am stuck at the pc software.
I need a protocol to

The Com Port Protocol is as follows:
Baud Rate: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: NONE
Stop Bit: 1
swith to send mode--clear rts
) Send the 1 byte address:
wait 15ms
switch to receive by setting RTS
receive address from pic
switch to send mode
(2) Send the 1 byte data
(3) wait 15ms for the pic process the data

can stay in send mode or poll each pic.

I have little experience in pc programming so i am kindly asking anyone can assist me in any where i will be very greatful.

Thank you.
What OS / Platform are you using? I might be able to offer up some suggestions for x86/Linux or Sparc/Solaris, but I am not well versed in Windows.
Reply to your query

Hi friend,
The problem you are facing is easy and can be solved if you can e-mail me the code along with the problem details on

Awaiting for hearing from you,

Kshitij Deshpande.
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