RSS journey begins..!

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Hi Guys,
Snapshots of my regen wizard. Enjoy

I think I've done it pretty neatly. But not much satisfied on the layout. I was excited so much and done the planning and assembly within one day.

Still I'm searching for a good quality tuning cap in place of the dirty trimmer which is making frequency drifts while attempting to tune using a metal tool.

Anyway the 50pf trimmer clearly covers the entire fm band .


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More close-ups!

Some more pics................................................


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Hi Guys,
Still I'm searching for a good quality tuning cap in place of the dirty trimmer which is making frequency drifts while attempting to tune using a metal tool.

Anyway the 50pf trimmer clearly covers the entire fm band .

Hi BC,
An old plastic knitting needle filed down, makes a nice trimmer,

Raid your girl friends knitting box...
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Here's a close inspection on the audio performance of my receiver recorded using a high quality wireless voice recorder placing close to it.

That tells everything about this regen.

Tuning is done by stretching the RF coil and u can also see that the oscillator stops sometimes when I touched on the RF areas!
(You won't understand anything, but a western music also catched. Cheers! )


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Yes, the radio works. Congratulations.

You play weird music in your country.
I hear 20% to 30% distortion from the radio because the "slope-detection" is a poor way to detect FM.
The speaker is small and has no enclosure so it does not produce bass frequencies.
Maybe Indian music does not have bass frequencies?
Still I'm searching for a good quality tuning cap in place of the dirty trimmer which is making frequency drifts while attempting to tune using a metal tool.

A little thing you may not be aware of, the adjustment slot on the trimmer is connected to one set of vanes, that set of vanes should be connected to the 0volt line in order to minimise interaction when adjusting the trimmer.
Otherwise when you touch the trimmer, you will be adding capacitance to the tuned circuit.
See my edited version of one of your pictures.



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The instuctions for the project say to buy a cheap little radio and use its tuning capacitor and knob.
Hey Eric, that's a good idea!

Thanks Jimb for ur suggestion. Anyway I'll find out an fm gang cap soon. I've left required space around the trimmer.

I'll give 10% distortion for the audio. The most distorted files in my recording are not properly tuned stations. Because I'm using the coil stretching method. After tuning it'll return back a little bit.

Yesterday I've connected a good quality Hi-Fi headphone and I got extreme bass and treble. Truly unbelievable!

It has plenty of volume when I put the speaker inside an enclosure. Also more realistic sound.

I've a plan to make it modify for AM band.

Also I'm planning to add a single stage BC549 and to replace the LM386 with my TA7368P amp(more power!) . That should give a more decent performance. A pretty neat construction inside an enclosure .Not exactly now.

Special thanks for everyone who've enjoyed my music recordings
Yea, I bought one fm only tunig capacitor. Just glued it on to the board in place of trimmer and the trimmer kicked away. Attached a plastic knob and now everything looks marvellous. I can tune in stations easily and no frequency drifts.

The tuning gang capacitor was very cheap. Only Rs: 8
But the combined AM/FM big gang cap costs Rs: 50!
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