Thats well into Vhf, atmospherics are less likely at that frequency.
And if the problem is on a transmitter close to you then upping tx power probably wont fix it either.
I didnt read all the blurb but just looking at that gizmo it looks well made and capable.
Interesting all the problem childs are close to base, there is probably a connection.
Do you have good space around the transmit antenna, you need I guess about 10 metres, also if the transmitter is in a dip compared to the receiver that wont help. Is your antenna directional or just a whip?
Have you tried talking to the manufacturer, their engineers probably know what they are doing.
Jim had a good idea, if you have access to a scanner try several points along the path and see if you can hear where the signal degrades, and what is in the vicinity at that location.