Safety glasses

Do you wear safety glasses when soldering?

  • Yes of course!!

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  • No! What kind of stupid question is that!?

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Active Member
Does anybody wear safety glasses when soldering?? I think I remember having to wear them when I was in my electronics class in 9th grade but im not sure.
Only when i'm desoldering a wire or something else that acts as a 'spring' and might suddenly come off and toss a blob of solder away...
Wod it have enugh power to do so?

I mostly dont aply much presure on an wire wen desoldering and if its on the edge i mostly pull it sideways.

And if the wire is solderd trough an hole it codnt keep much solder on it.

Any volenters to try to launch melted solder whith a wire in evry way posible? (To test it)
when i was feeding the solder too fast to a joint and then the flux started boiling and spitting chunks of hot solder around, I remember getting something in my eye while soldering, but i never found it again...

I still dont wear goggles though, but i do wear glasses.
Beacause I wear vision correcting glasses all the time, extra eye protection is useless. Sometimes when I finish soldering I have to clean my glasses of solder, so I recomend to wear any glasses for everyone.
Safety first

A friend at work, many years ago, had to go to hospital with a solder splash actually on his eyeball!.

Apparently to remove it they scraped his eyeball with a scapel! :evil:
I wear prescription glasses also, but since they don't fully cover I wear safety glasses. I have had small air pockets "pop" when soldering larger terminals, with solder going everywhere. I have often had solder getting flicked about too when joining or separating parts. Since there are many possible hazards at the bench, flying leads when trimming, the occasional exploding part, etc, I think safety glasses are a really good idea.
Thanks for satisfying my curiousity :lol:

Maybe its just the solder that i use, but ive never had any flux or solder splash onto me
most of the time i wear SGs when soldering

if im useing a small torch ill wear them because the flux in the solder normally splatters.

if im useing a small iron i wont wear them
moody07747 said:
most of the time i wear SGs when soldering

if im useing a small torch ill wear them because the flux in the solder normally splatters.

if im useing a small iron i wont wear them

Never soldered much to have flux in the solder splattering :?
I dont use glasses for soldering because when I solder, it doesn't fly up into my face. In fact, it doesn't even leave the surface until I make it leave. I treat solder like hot sand.
mstechca said:
I dont use glasses for soldering because when I solder, it doesn't fly up into my face. In fact, it doesn't even leave the surface until I make it leave. I treat solder like hot sand.

I would think that the point of safety glasses is to prevent accidental injury.. few people intentionally direct molten metal into their eyes. 8)
I wear them while soldering and clipping off the excess leads on through hole components. It's a lot easier to wear them, than to explain to the doctor why you weren't... 8) (you can see that Joe Cool wears them)
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