is this a step potentiometer or continuous? i know that ALPS used to make some very good step pots, and the tracking between"decks" was +/- 0.25db. i remember seeing some that were continuous(without detents or steps) that had very good tracking between decks. i once built and used a tracking tester for potentiometers. there are two ways to go about it, the simplest is to take a source of low voltage DC (choose a voltage that will provide 1mA or less to each deck of the potentiometer, so for 10K you would use 10V). apply the voltage across both decks of the pot in parallel. connect each wiper to an oscope input channel, so deck 1 would go to scope channel "A", and deck 2 to scope channel "B". also connect the horizontal input to the wiper of deck 1, and set up the H gain and H position so that the "0" position of the pot puts the beam at the left edge of the screen, and "max" position on the pot puts the spot on the right edge of the screen. set the scope vertical mode to "A+B", and turn on the "invert" switch on on channel A or B. the gain for channels A and B should always be set the same. as the pot being tested is turned, the spot will draw a line across the screen, and any vertical deflection away from the zero line indicates a difference between the two decks. this should be a good test of the matching of the two decks. if you really want to get fancy, you could use a separate constant current source for each deck which will show up differences in the overall resistance of each deck (useful if the volume control is in the feedback loop of an op amp instead of being used as an input voltage divider). using an audio signal instead of DC, and feeding the inputs of a differential amplifier and a speaker, instead of a scope in differential mode, would be a quick audible test.