Saltaoon Anathor Time!!!!!!!

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my Name (i Fadil ) And I Am Not Terror Now Pleas :
I Wont From The Clever Men Form This Forum To Made A Cercuit By Only Transistors To Make A Fish Work With Out Sound Pleas Pleas Pleas ...........
my Name (i Fadil ) And I Am Not Terror Now Pleas :
I Wont From The Clever Men Form This Forum To Made A Cercuit By Only Transistors To Make A Fish Work With Out Sound Pleas Pleas Pleas ...........

You need a processor, end of story.
Why use such a large font?

You Don't Need To Capitalise The First Letter Of Each Word, It Looks Silly.
Impossible with just transistors unless you want to use thousands of them.
Here you go but it'll take some skillz

**broken link removed**
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