I have written an LCD display project for 16x2 LCD. The code is based on third party library. When the code is compiled on MPLAB v8.10 XC8 Compiler the hex gives output on ISIS but not on Hardware where as if same code is compiled in MikroC (replacing __delay_us with Delay_ms and removing XC8 Header and config bits) the project works fine on ISIS and also on hardware.
Controller is PIC18f452
Crystal is 8 MHZ
For sure there are following are obvious.
1. The code is not faulty
2. Programmer is not faulty
3. Hardware is not faulty
The config bits preceived for different hex files by pickit2

What may be the difference? cant understand that. The attachment contains the Project file of MikroC and MPLAB along with ISIS schematic to do the test. Please help me out
Controller is PIC18f452
Crystal is 8 MHZ
For sure there are following are obvious.
1. The code is not faulty
2. Programmer is not faulty
3. Hardware is not faulty
The config bits preceived for different hex files by pickit2

What may be the difference? cant understand that. The attachment contains the Project file of MikroC and MPLAB along with ISIS schematic to do the test. Please help me out
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