Samsung t4254x repair

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I was wondering if some can help me obtain the correct pieces or the correct parts number of my Samsung T4254X/XAC, that needs repair. The TV worked properly until about 3.5 years after purchase, which is of course after warranty. I had taken it in and they quoted me 570.00 to repair it. The problem was, that it would not stop turning itself of and on, over and over until it was unplugged. I could turn it off, but once it was clicked on, it wouldn't stop the on/off process incessantly. I had it in to a Samsung repair center, they told me I needed 220.00 for a mainboard and 200.00 for a power board. On top of their 150.00 labour cost. It was 112.00 just to diagnose it. To say that I will never buy Samsung any product would be an understatement. But I thought, if I could find the right parts for cheap, I could at least fix it up and let me Son use it for gaming, rather than tossing it away. It is a Plasma after all, despite what others may think about them. So if anyone knows what the actual parts numbers are or which site to order them off, I would much appreciate it. I did look on ebay, but I am not sure which boards are the correct. I have email the Samsung repair center to see if they can list the parts, but I have little hope they will come through. May the fleas of a thousand camels fester in their butt cracks.
Any help or advice will be considered and appreciated.
The usual problem with those sets were simply dried out Capacitors and dry solder joints on the Mosfet's, Diodes and Regulators on the main power board. So that's where I would be starting my fault finding Also I have never heard of a main board ever causing the problem you describe, in the Samsung plasmas at least, so either they were wrong on their diagnosis or they are just covering the cost of getting it wrong if you go ahead with the repair
Well I had taken the back off myself, but I am not techie, so I wouln't know what I am lookin for exactly. Didn't see any burned parts, but like I said, not sure what I am looking for? Would your advice be to replace the power board? Any advice is welcome. Thanks for your response.
Look for the board that the power (Mains) cable goes to, it should have a number printed on it giving the board type. then post it. a photo of the actual board would be helpful to.
Ok, so I have taken off the board and found the main power board and identified a replacement for it online. What I am now having trouble with is my repair quote, which I will attach below. Are they charging me 220 for the board itself and then 200 to replace it or are they in fact 2 separate pieces? I asked them at the samsung place, but with the language barrier, they just looked at me and nodded their heads saying yes. So I left. Again, any help is appreciated. As I said, I located a power board for 30.00 off ebay, is this something I can replace myself or would I need a shop to do it? I have tools, but soldering and the such is out of my realm. Also on ebay, there are 2 other boards I have identified, a Y Main Board and an X Main Board, are either of these what they have on the repair bill other than the main power board? Again, thanks for your assistance.

Tag no.13048 (LS12652)






$220 for mainboard and $200 for power board replacement (out of warranty by date), plus $150 for labour cost

Decline fee:

$100 if estimate declined
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What you have there is a quote for the full repair of both boards. if you get the power board off ebay you should be able to swop the boards over yourself as the connections will or should plug into sockets on the board. I would try the power board first as that is the most likely suspect.
Thanks rmn_tech, I appreciate all your advice. I have ordered the main board and will attempt to replace by myself, as you suggested. Hopefully that will fix it. And if it turns out to be done for the 30.00 + the 112.00 diagnosis, then I am a happy camper. Thanks so much in taking the time to offer your insite. Cheers! If not, you can be sure I will be back to solicit more advice...all the best.
Hello Spanky101
I suggest you to read carefully the service manual of your equipment - Part4. Troubleshooting - When the unit is repeatedly turned on and off - The SMPS relay is repeatedly turned on and off.
Follow the procedures in this part, and verify witch module could be defective.
Good luck

I hope I´m not breaking the rules of the forum


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