SanDisk Clip Jam MP3 Player - FM Receiver Removal

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New Member
Hello Everyone,

The aforementioned MP3 player needs to be used in an environment where radio receivers are not allowed, thus I need to remove the FM capabilities. I opened the device and Googled the various chip serial numbers I saw and two of them I couldn't find anything on and the others were obviously not related to this. I am wondering if anyone here could point me in the direction of where the receiver might be or provide another suggestion that I am not thinking of. I have attached a picture.

Thanks for anyone's thoughts or suggestions.


  • Image.jpg
    3.3 MB · Views: 370
Do you need to physically remove the hardware, or would a firmware update that disables the FM radio suffice?
A quick search turned up this:
....which applies to a "Sansa" Clip model, is that the same as you have, or different?

I dd not dig any further on this, but it at least gives you something to go on, and you may also contact Sandisk, if your model is different, to see if there is a firmware update for your model.

Thanks for the response.

No, this is a different model. Physical removal isn't necessary, but because this model does not have a firmware update for this (like the ones you pointed out), it is the only way I am seeing it be possible.

If I cannot find a way to remove it I will likely try and find one of the models you highlighted and go the firmware route.

Thanks again.
We are only seeing one side of the PCB here, the other side is going to contain the display and the switches, and maybe some other stuff.
Can you remove the 3 screws and take a pic of the other side?
There doesn't appear to be anything other than jellybean parts on that side, so I will bow out and defer to our more experienced members to have a look at the first side of the PCB.

Sorry I couldn't be of much help.
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