satnavs - how accurate ?

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The A1 around the Leeds/York area?
The poor thing has a fit!

That's the one, if you look on google maps, the roads are marked, but the satellite image doesn't show it - depending where exactly you look - part of the map image has been updated, and you can see a stripe where the new part joins the old, and the motorway vanishes
Eh TC,
Just move to Oz mate ya don't need a gps just make sure you have plenty of gas in the tank. Now take the road across the nullabour one straight road for only about 1,000K. Up in the north west a trip down the road is only a 1500k drive eachway. As far as city driving goes a gps would be a nightmare as from what I've heard about them they are yankie based and wouldn't know sydney from kalgoolie
True. No need for a GPS here.

As far as city driving goes a gps would be a nightmare as from what I've heard about them they are yankie based and wouldn't know sydney from kalgoolie
Not true. The maps are specific to the users area.
My GPS has detailed maps of the UK and main roads of the rest of Europe. If I needed one I could by detailed maps of Europe, but so far the need has not arisen, I have not driven in Europe since I have had this GPS.
Give the correct maps it could tell Perth from Pretoria from Podunk Idaho.

after all they are just computers and we know just how much good and bad that can get things done the only difference is that they have inbuilt a system for telling exactly the coordinates of where there are the computer does the rest
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