Scalling PT100

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Hi Guys I bought a PT100 Thermo sensor.It has 3 wires Red,Black & Blue.

What I need is I want to measure the temperature from 0'C to 300'C.

The resistance tables shows these values.

0'C = 100 R
300'C = 212.05 R

I need to scale this to 0-5V range so I can interface this with 10bit AD PIC input.

I also have CA3140 OP Amp in my junk box.

I would suggest you build the PT100 as 'quarter' element in a bridge circuit. The CA3140 could be configured as a 'difference' amp.

This circuit was done for a car project.
The pdf is useful.


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Hi ericgibbs thanks for your reply that was really helpful.

I read that PDF & some articles & got some ideas.But still I'm in doubt the interfacing part.

Note that I need the temperature range 0'C to 300'C.not upto 100'C.

The PDF shows these values.

0'C = 100 R
300'C = 212.05 R

I need to convert these values into voltages.This is the place I got stucked.
OK, I will look at 0C thru 300C

Look at this option.


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Here is a circuit that may work. Note that the CA3140 is NOT rail-to-rail out. When operated from a 5V supply, it can only pull to ~2.8V, so you will need to supply it with >8V so that it can pull to 5V. The bridge should be powered by the same regulated voltage (5v?) as drives the Vref for the PIC A/D. To get accuracy, you will need at least 1% resistors.


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Hi Eric & Mike thanks for your help.

Mike I like to make your circuit.I redraw the circuit.I need 1'C accuracy no need decimal point numbers.

Those are the common issues

* Note that my PIC AD ref is internal 5V.
* My sensor has 3 wires Red,Black,Blue how to connect to the bridge ?
* That R5 (90.9K) is very hard to find ?
* I'm going to write a look up table for 1023 values.Is there any relationship between "Celcius & Voltage" or "Resistance & Voltage"


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For the Vref, if you use a stable +5.00V for the bridge/OPA circuit [not the OPA power] and the supply to the PIC, the external 5.00Vreg will be OK.
Use a 82K fixed resistor in series with a 5K 20turn Cermet pot for the 90.9K
I think a 1023 lookup [WORD] Table will be a problem due to its size.

Do you have a datasheet to post for the PT100 sensor.??

Have you considered using a MCP6002, 'almost' rail to rail OPA.?
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What is the source of the unregulated voltage that feeds the LM7805? You maybe able to power the opamp from that directly without using the 7808. Remember that the Typical modern opamp has a Power Supply Rejection Ratio of > 90db, so the 8V does not need to be regulated. If fact the opamp's power pin could be anywhere from 8 to 30V, and the circuit would work just fine...

The PT100's resistance vs temperature curve is quite linear (that is its biggest virtue), so you do not need a look-up table, just a little math inside the PIC after you get the 10bit AD reading. The function which turns an AD value into temperature is:

T = (AD*300)/1024 = (AD*75)/256 where T is in degC and AD is the right-justified 10bit AD reading.

Note that the divide by 256 is just a right-shift by 8 bits. Any C compiler is smart enough to divide by 256 by using a shift instruction instead of linking in the math library...

To multiply by 75 without having to use the math library is:

75*AD = AD + 2*AD + 8*AD + 64*AD = (1+2+8+64)*AD

2*AD is the AD value left-shifted by 1 bit,
8*AD is the AD value left-shifted by 3 bits,
64*AD is the AD value left-shifted by 6 bits.

Most decent C compilers will implement a "multiply by a constant" 75 just that way.

The data sheet for the PT100 you bought will show how to hook it up. I'm guessing that two of the wires are connected to one end of the nominal 100 Ohm resistance and the other wire goes to the other end. If you use an Ohmmeter to test it, you will find what looks like a dead short between two of the wires. Just short those two together before putting it in the circuit.

The feedback resistor for the opamp should be 9000.0 Ω (that is much harder to source than 90.9K ). As Eric said, use a trimpot so that the total resistance is 9K (8.2K in series with a 1K trimpot would work). Use that to replace the parallel combination of R5//R6.
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Excellent reply, very clear to understand.Thanks for your guidance Mike.My most of the doubts cleared.

Thanks Eric.
Hello guys I have a small problem.Is there any way to detect if the PT100 connected or not?What will be the reading if no PT100 attached?

Note that my temperature limit is 0'C to 250'C.I'm in the final part of building the above circuit.
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