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New Member
hey all

i start building my SCARA from scratch, it is 4 DOF (RRPR) for assembling
now am looking for the suitable DC servo motor , i choose to work in reverse direction means i will choose first the servo then (according to it) i will select the dimensions
it may be a strange way!!! but i thought it is good?
please give me you opinion for that and if there is a nother way

thanks in advance
What is your budget? A good servo motor with sensors and gears cost around 100 to 500 USD (up to around 30 Watts). I like Maxon motors.
If anyone knows good hobbyist-friendly DC or BLDC servomotor stores/manufacturers, please share them.
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Closest ones are these:
Dynamixel EX-106+
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But no "real" DC or brushless servo motors for hobbiests really unless you get the motor and make the electronics yourself.
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