Scared of heights...don't watch this...

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On the previous examples, at least they do it as part of their work.

On the other hand look at this guys! This is an example of having too much spare time and tungsten balls. Or perhaps just plain stupidity.

Ive been up Canon Mountain in New Hampshire. You take a small tram to the top but then you have to hike about a 1/4 of a mile to the observation deck. It Goes without saying that some of the paths got narrow..and one small step you go 4100 Ft to the ground. Never mind the fact that its also hard to breath up there as well.

I was noping the whole way up on tram. Once I was at the summit I was still noping. It was just a bunch of nopes but I managed to do it. I was rewarded with a breath taking view.

On the upside I got a bunch of garnets I picked up along the path.
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