Schematic diagram of any circuits that use XNOR or 4077 logic ic?

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Just drop it into a circuit, if you are looking for something more specific to use try searching for paroty generators/ paroty checkers.
Sorry, paridy not parody. We are looking for a schematic not a song.

A paridy checker basicaly just uses an aray of XOR or XNOR gates to generate a paridy bit for either odd or even paridy.

The difference is the number of 1's in a binary value. For example, if we had a binary signal with a value of 00010110 (22 decimal) then the parity bit for an even parity would be a 1 because it is trying to keep an even number of 1's in the signal. An odd parity bit would be 0 with the binary value shown. If the binary singal was 01010110 then an even parity bit would be a 0 and an odd would be a 1.
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