Schematic diagram

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New Member
I have PHILIPS TV 29 PT8861/75/R made in Singapore. Please, anyone have a Schematic diagram to help me a fix problem with picture clarity. Thanks to all.
Poor picture clarity sounds like the CRT has failed?, it's a VERY, VERY common problem on the later Philips sets, CRT life was commonly very short.
CRT is OK because blue screen and teletext is very clear. But signal from TV and DVD is a shadow and saturated by blue and red color. RGB transistors is OK. Any idea where is this fault. Thanks. R. Djonovic
Here is the Philips model to chassis PDF attachment.


    177.7 KB · Views: 1,692

Thanks Tv.Tech, info did help. I hope this will help. good luck.


  • MD+1+1+28pt4301+.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 584
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For the life of me I cannot understand why respected TV manufacturers would change to surface mount parts. Unless the set is very well designed and the Micro/Jungle is extremely well protected and will not fail when the PSU fails due to some crap happening. Or the Line Output Transformer has a BCL winding problem and feeds too much Voltage back to the Jungle I.C.

I will say this however:

I have a huge soft spot for Renesas. I see lot's of sets coming in from unknown Chinese TV manufacturers. Many using Renesas surface mount IC's

I have yet to see one of these chips fail. Despite various Manufacturers using them in as cheap as possible design. Simply bullet proof.

We get lot's of these sets built around this beauty in for repair. Always other problems. LOPTX, PSU etc.

Thought I would just mention it
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For the life of me I cannot understand why respected TV manufacturers would change to surface mount parts.

You can't have applied much thought to it then - it's dean simple

It makes manufacture of the set a LOT cheaper. Any manufacturer trying to compete using obselete manufacturiung methods can't survive, unless they use slave labour, or are heavily subsidised.

You are busted Nigel....I was still busy editing my post etc..and your reply was there within a split second of me posting mine.

You Mods

Sneaky bastards

Anyways, I was just trying to say that there are LSI companies coping well with the Chinese onslaught of cheaply put together/designed TV's.

Robust chips. That can handle the job. Never mind the crappy chassis.
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Mr. Nigel? What's next? Knighthood from the Queen?

"Sir Nigel" of her majesty, the Queen.
I know that .... I'm jesting Mr. Nigel. Or if he becomes knighted, it will be "jousting".
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