Schematic help

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New Member
Hello everybody,

I am trying to build a PCB layout out of a schematic, but since i am new to this i have few problems with reading the connecting dots. Now i have the picture of the schematic and a picture of the PCB that i draw and was wondering if somebody could have a look at it and tell me if the connections are wrong. Thanks.


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Other than having your led on the circuit board shown backwards and no visable V+ connecting track to the relay it all looks good to me.

Edit:- on a further look i think your transistor is backwards too. (it is a NpN transistor isnt it)
Look at the bright side... you got the resistors around the right way, O'yeh and the diode.

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Hi Rocketman,

I wonder how you managed to get the transistor backwards onto the PCB.

The only explanation I can find is that you designed the PCB apart from the schematic design.

Here is an example what your PCB could look like.

I added three extra solder pads to connect the input for the transistor as well as the supply source.



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Nice work Boncuk.

He did say he was a beginner in electronics and we all make mistakes when we first start out.

I think its good the OP at least had a go, and bothered to ask for someone to check his work.

Many here just scream help and expect the rest of us to do their design work without even attempting it themselves, as i have seen many times you have come to their aid and its very kind of you to share your skills.

Nice work Boncuk.Pete.

Hello Pete,

thanks for the flowers as I use to say if my help was useful for a forum member asking for help.

Believe me, you can hear screams caused by distress and differentiate screams caused by laziness if you can read between the lines.

It's an honor to me to help people in distress the way I was raised.

Furthermore I consider myself being one of the rare specimens of (German) knights, stretching out my arms to help.

I know what you mean pointing out the cases of pure selfish behavior, demanding help without any sign of being thankful for the help.

God bless you!

Kind regards


Wow this is more than enough. Thanks for all the help SaBorn, Pete and Bonsuk. As for the schematic it's only a part but i really would like to finish the little project i started. About that transistor well i never used a program before so i installed Sprint Layout and couldn't find the right transistor , but i did..... eventually.

Still a lot to learn though, and i was never lazy or expecting other people to do the work for me. Maybe you should make a rule never to help people unless they have something done by themselves . In any case thanks a lot.
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