Schematic help

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New Member
can someone pls help me make this schematic into a PCB i have been trying to route it for a while now and i just simply cannot do it thanks for any help
I have attached the schematic.


  • efie-v3-sm.gif
    34.2 KB · Views: 520
Have you tested the circuit first to see if it even works? I have my doubts about that.
I think the circuit will produce isolated low current voltages that are 6.2V max.

Why bother? Nobody has ever proved that HHO works in a car's engine. It fools the computer so it makes the mixture too lean. Then gasoline is saved because the engine burns the valves and pistons instead. It will not pass the emissions test because its NOX is way too high.
Why do you have doubts about it?
For one, adjusting the control for one O2 sensor will effect the other due to loading.
I wonder if it can supply enough current to supplement the O2 sensor. What are the current requirements of the ECU's O2 sense line?
The 7809 needs a decoupling cap on it's input. The 78xx series isn't designed for automotive use, so it may or may not survive in the the long term.
Ditto on AudioGuru's comments.
well as worthless as the thing seems to be i would still like help laying it out onto a pcb so any help doing that would be great
The diode on the transformer primary will absorb the flyback, and the transformer as you show is a flyback only system (not push pull) so it wont make any output. So lose the diode. Also with a flyback transformer you only need 1 diode on each output, not a bridge.

The 1k resistor means you get max of about 7mA (prob less) into the transformer and its not an efficient circuit so you wont get much out. I'd drop that to 330 ohms.
NickLee could also put a capacitor in series with R4 so that it DOES operate in push pull mode. A couple of clamper diodes on the 555's output would also be in order.
will it make the fuel leaner in a electronic fuel injected car? if not you guys have said some stuff that needs to be added what all would i need to add and where would i need to add them? all i am wanting to do is get the fuel air ratio to be lean while the cars computer thinks it is normal.
When the mixture is lean then the valves and pistons burn. The NOX pollutant is too high to pass an emissions test. Don't do it.
So you guys are not gonna help me build this? this is not for a vehicle that gets driven just one to test some stuff out...
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