schematic of the mad catz ps2 remote!

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I highly doubt that you'll be able to find a schematic of it, can you try to make your own schematic of it by looking at the PCB?
how did it break?
If it is like most infrared remotes, there really is not much to go wrong inside. The main failures are; dirty circuit board contacts for the membrane switches ( clean with alcohol or soft pencil eraser ), failed LED, ( replace ), cracked circuit board ( repair with small wires ), and the quite common, damaged ceramic resonator. It is also common to see damaged solder joints on the LED, if it is exposed through front of the remote and is subject to being pushed or being impacted. The ceramic resonator is often a small yellow or blue plastic box, looks like a crystal. These can be damaged by impact from dropping the remote. There will be numbers on the resonator that are generally industry standard part numbers that will allow you to find a replacement. One tip for replacing a resonator, if it lies flat to the board, glue it down, to prevent having it "slap" the board if the remote is dropped. Its not always the drop that damages the resonator, but the secondary impact of it "slapping into" the board when the remote is dropped. The leads are often thin strips of metal that allow the resonator to hinge back and forth, creating this problem. If you cannot buy a replacement resonator, often it is possible to get one from another old remote, since many remotes use the same frequency of resonator.

To test a IR remote you can either build a simple IR detector, buy one of those IR detector sticks that has special paint on it that glows under IR ( cheap, Radio Shack, etc sells them ), or use a digital camera or video camera, many are capable of " seeing " infrared. Of course, the device it controls is the best way to test if it works, I'm just including these other methods for someone who may need to repair a remote when they don't have the device it controls.

ok jrz,
well from wut i am hearing is that theremote must have overheated or somethin in that order! ohh ya and

:evil: :evil: !!!!!!!!!! IT IS NOT WIRLESS !!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil:
:evil: :evil: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Most people assume remote = wireless like a TV remote. You should have said controller instead of remote. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil:'s some questions in no particular order...
No buttons or anything work? How did it overheat? about how hot did it get? have you checked the cable for any cuts or breaks or anything?

I'd open it up and see if there are any loose connections in it.
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