Schematic Software

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New Member

I searched this site for topics like this one and I saw some people use the Eagle schematic program. I don't like it at all. I was wondering if there are any other free schematic making programs out there.

Hi Cyclone,

yes, i downloaded the free version to try it.
I wasn't very keen either.
now i draw my own.
heres a few i just drew to show you,
it wouldn't take long to get up
quite a library of them.

Just open Paint,
reduce attributes to suit, (i use 32x32 a lot)
draw your pic,
Save as,
pick your schematic folder,
give your pic a name and save.

Cut and paste when you need it.

Regards, John


  • Demo.jpg
    13.3 KB · Views: 706
yes, i used paint a lot, then i got to corel wich was better.
eagle is good, but all the thinks are hard accesibile, you have to chanke the menu if you want to rotate or moove a component.
2 bad.....
tri circuit maker, or electronics workbench.
Thanks. Well i did some searching and i finally found a pretty descent one. its called. Design Works Professional 4.

Heres my very fisr schematic

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i can't see the schematic, Cyclone!
o and another thing, does anybody use Pads Power PCB?
it is quite professional, but it doesnt have a program to draw the schematic and make a netlist. does anybody know what i can use?
it 's for a friend...
sorry i don't have a proper place to host pictures so i have to you my comp and i don't have it on all the time.

yes its free to dl go here. Its only a trial though
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