Schematics to build Magenta KIT870 PIC developer

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Active Member
Hi all,

Getting desperate now,does anyone have the instructions, that is building details for the Majenta KIT870 PIC Tutorial PCB?

I have rediscovered the bare board and would love to build it as an aid to learning PICs, but the board is all I have. I should have the majority of components needed, if only I knew what they were and where they fitted!

Please help if you can, a scan would be brilliant, or a web address (though I've spent many hours looking so far).

I have posted scans of the board as it is actually the one that was free in EPE may 1998, but was made by Magenta

PS the missus won't let me buy a new one, she says I've had more than my pocket money this week!

Thanks for reading this............Al


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i have gone thro' the website of EPEmag of UK. Ias you are located right in UK , please approach them and they would be ready to provide back issues, as xerox copy or printed issues if still avaialable I understand, the hardware part of the article was a 4 month serial during 98 some time. perhaps you may have to purchase the article alone or as a set of 4 books.
I totally agree with Bill, -- There is no point in trying to assemble that old board and worry around DOS and practice DOS again. Finally it is limited to 2 Chips C84 and F84.-- let us look forward and try to assemble a latest kit to learn and be able to program PICs. Incidentally , I am lucky to have Blueroomelectronics JUNEBUG , Thanks to Bill. It is doing fine Bill.
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hi Al,
I have searched the web, no luck, unless you buy.!

Also the psu, LCD and other items are needed to make it work anyway.

That 16C is a Picarcadon, look at the 16F628A or the like.

Get yourself a Project board from Maplins, Farnell.

You will get more 'learning' building and ripping apart the PIC circuits on a project board and it will save money on components in the long run


A project board is only about the price of a 5 litre can of paint...
bigal_scorpio said:
PS the missus won't let me buy a new one, she says I've had more than my pocket money this week!

If you ran out of money you can make your own trainer boards using vero boards.Just solder a ZIF zocket in the middle of the board & align the header pins mounted to the appropriate IO pins.For these header you can connect external mudules LCD,SSD,Sensors,Switches etc.....See Nigels tutorials he is also doing that method.

Here one of my trainer boards


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No doubt the Nigel's tutorial lessons hardware and software have been good for learning at home. For the programmer part, i feel, as slowly the DB25 pin and DB9 pin ports are disappearing, it is worthy to have an USB based programmer.
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