school project

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I need electricity/current to activate the shutters to prevent rain from coming in but how to make it? using a circuit board???
MiglioreRosa said:
I need electricity/current to activate the shutters to prevent rain from coming in but how to make it? using a circuit board???

make a water sensor, which can be done by using a darlington pair and then make some metal very close together but no toching so when water is touching it so it formes a curcuit. then have darlington to activate the motors turning the shutters i hope this is what you want!
what is a darlington? Can u explain more abt the water sensor so i don't need a circuit board? also what is the function of the metal to form a circuit? any diagrams or examples?
An drigalirton is realy 2 transistors conected to geter to get a wery high gain (up to tens of thousents of hFE)

meby the schematic wod help

the switches detect wen the hatch has fuly open/closed and stop the motor.These are normaly closed switches (they conduct wen there is no force on them).there like ush to break switches

This is an easy project if you think it out enugh


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