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Hey i know i cant be the only person in the USA, NY here so i ask does anyone know of any schools in NY or PA for the kinda work i would like to get in.

Would i have to pick something specific? Like i know it has to be called

Something Engineer lol Not sure if its Electrical Engineer perhaps lol

I would love to goto school for this stuff meanin microconrollers and such. I want to school mainly for some type of degree .. anything that would make it easier to get a JOB in this field. I find this work kinda easy and enjoyable so i assume a job you like to do isnt really a job.

Something you like to do should be a job, am i right?

So if anyone out there has some information PLEASE tell me some lol
Out of curiosity how old are you?
I'm not too knowledgeable about schools but I know at least locally we have RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) which is supposed to be a pretty good technical college.
I am 24.

I am old (in my mind lol). This isn't the only kinda stuff i do tho. I work from time to time as a Electrician Apprentice. (well my pops is a electrician) he taught me a lot and got me a job with his boss but the economy sucks so bad now. not much work for all employees hence why i have lots of free time.
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There are 2 and 4 year degrees.

I do not know much about 2 year degrees in the field. Have doubts about them leading to jobs you would like. If you must do a 2 year get try computer programming. Then work you way into firmware after graduation. I expect that a 2 year electronic degree will place you in a job servicing equipment. Which is OK if that is what you want.

With 4 year university degrees I see 2 areas of interest. I you are more interested in the hardware do the EE route. If you are more interested in software take the CS route. The EE route requires more math.

An EE degree with an emphisis on computers. It will be called different things at different schools. The key is you want to skip the power engineering stuff and take more digital logic and computer programming. Keep in mind that a microcontroller is just a little computer.

The other option would be to get a dergree in computer science and take electives in digital logic and microprocessor develoment from the EE dept.

Good grades and recomendations with either of these degrees you can get job doing product development.
RIT has a very good engineering school - electrical, microelectrical (for IC design), computer, civil, mechanical, etc. What they also do, which is extremely helpful when it comes to finding a job after graduation, is require you to do a full year of Co-op work in a job that relates to your major. That means graduation in 5 years instead of 4, but at least you have a resume with more than just extracurricular activities - which btw, they have many of.
that would be a perfect school if it was close to me lol look:


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If you want the ideal school for you you'll have to shop around, and be almost guaranteed to have to move at least some distance. Don't know what is available near NY city.
when I went to school there I came from Connecticut - it was a minimum 6 hour drive. you live on campus - you don't commute. Broaden your horizons, man.
Heh the issue here is I have a GF (wife) and a son. Its gonna be hard to move around. Hence why i said around NY lol i should have mentioned METRO area lol
If you have to stay in NYC have a look at the State University of New York. They seem to by widespread. May take some work to figure out which of the many programs you want. Or more important what the quality is.
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