scoreboard with wirelles

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New Member
I'm new here, so this is my first topic

Now I'm building scoreboard for softball and I have a problem with wirelles transimision. I dont have an idea how to make it.
They ( my friends ) want to have some wirelles remote controler so that they can control with scoreboard from a distance.
Remote controler has 12 buttons.
My first idea is to put it in some coder and at the end of the coder it wil be a 4 digit code ( simple BCD ).
Than I will put it in some multiplexer and in some module for a transmission.
Probably I will have problems with cp and with transmission loss and some other things which I dont have in my mind now.

do you have some idea ?
that is the question on which I dont know the answer
I was searching for some finished module for transmision in stores but I didnt find anything.
Do you know some good module ?

Probably it will be on some ISM frequency, or something like that.
And power has to be below 100mW ( I think that 100mW is enough for 60 or 70m )
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