Scotch Connoisseurs

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Many years ago, one of my son-in-laws introduced me to single malt scotches. In the interim years, I have tried many. Lagavulin 16 remains my favorite. Balvenie 15 is very good, as is old McCallum 1982. But, they don't have quite the unique character as Lagavulin.

Early on, I tried Laphroaig 10. It was unique, but the phenolic taste was not too inviting. I cut it with a blended scotch, J&B, and it was much more pallitable. Later years of Laphroaig have not been so harsh. Nevertheless, I have been experimenting. A freshly made 1:4 mixture of Laphroaig and J&B is quite nice.

Now for my questons:

1) Has Laphroaig changed? Is the "original" (circa 1998) still available? What is it called?
2) I mixed up a batch of Laphroaig and J&B a coulple of days ago (my first "production batch"),and the taste compared to a fresh mixture has changed. Is that a known phenomenom? It now has a somewhat bitter aftertaste.


First I had to look up Phenolic. In beer it's a yeast flavor or at least that's what I read. As for giving you an answer to the questions, I can't. But I will however be looking forward to purchasing some of the Scotch you suggested.

I did prefer Brandy, until one Christmas. Me and my wife were invited to a friends house, rather than myself getting my own drinks, I allowed my friend to bring me drinks.

I'm drinking and talking, drinking and talking, not aware of just how many, and how fast I was "Drinking" er and talking Just like slow "Gin" wham. I couldn't talk anymore, my tong wouldn't work.

That's when I shut up and sat in a drunken stupor. Of course it was something funny to my friend and guest's to see the, normally sane drinker, drunk off his AS..............

Needless to say that night my wife had to drive my "sorry butt" home First time in years I was seeing double.

After that I can't look at brandy. But, I can try Scotch this year.


P.S. I'm getting my own drinks, on New Years
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Laphroaig 10... I still drink it ( I usually get one at Christmas ..... here's hoping )

My absolute favorite is dalwhinnie 15. I had the greatest pleasure of a vintage 1991 for my 50th bitrthday.

I like the woody flavours....

Have you noticed a change in Laphroiag the past few years? My fist few bottles were quite harsh -- that's when I tried a mix with J&B. More recent ones have been much smoother. Perhaps, I have just become acclimated.

I do find that my palette has changed these past few years..... Take a few drams of Teachers... screw your face up with the sharpness.. Then you'll appreciate the Laphroiag better....

I have played recently with MANY different whiskey's... I tend to get a varied selection from all my family.... From Glenfiddich to the Balvenie 12 ( this one was really good as you already know )

I think that when you first start with a good single malt, every time you indulge, you find it smoother.... I could easily put a bottle of Dalwhinnie away in a couple of days... Trouble is, my portions have gotten a bit large...
Ok!! I got one for chrimbo..... Had a taste last night.....Same ( I think )... I'll have to wait until tonight as I'd already had a couple of drams of Glenfiddich....
Balvenie 15, double wood or maderia cask for me for the past year ive up and down to scotland house hunting and always find a way to get to the whiskey shop on lock fyne now there is a gem of a place i have a pretty good collection myself but dont like the laphroiag. personal all time fave is knockendu 50 but it's pricey

That's my problem, I've seen prices on this stuff and makes me want to quit drinking. If the Politicians fail to safe on our tax debt. I'll have to quit.

Of course I'll buy a fine Scotch before that happens. Save it for a rainy day.


Edit: I'm drinking a cheap whiskey called "Bird Dog" on New Years Eve. It's Blackberry flavored. Mixed with water it has a real fruity flavor. Drink it straight ........ ugh taste like cough syrup. More of a liquor.

I like it with Water and Ice.
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You will definitely have a headache tomorrow. Drink lots of water and take two aspirin. John
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