Thyristor modules like that are normally isolated from the base.
I've never seen one in that package with a rating much over 150A; just having a search through, there is one maker that does a 260A one:
Note the picture is wrong on that & shows a single thyristor + diode, but the datasheet shows it as a dual thyristor.
Most makers use a heavier package with bigger terminals from 150 - 200A upwards, like this:
I can only guess what the one you have is rated at, as searching for it gives a single Aliexpress link and your post!
I suspect it's a much lower rating one that is marked specially for that welder manufacturer.
It may be a 150A type and they are rating it for output current (using each half alternately at 50% duty) or it could just be a made up part number...
Two parts with the same genuine part number do not have totally different configurations, so again, it looks like other devices relabelled for that welder maker.