Screen Names/Avatars - What do they mean?

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Active Member
I've seen this on other boards and found it to be kind of interesting.

How did you come up with your username here? What about your avatar? Some are obvious, others not so much.

My name is Andy, but I can never simply get "Andy" anywhere on the net. 1845c is borrowed from a skidloader made by Case, for no good reason other then its an uncommon number. I have never had anything come back saying that username is taken when registering

My avatar is a Mack Superliner truck. I've liked them since I was a kid. I think it was the only picture on my harddrive when I registered here, thus I didn't have to give much thought to what to use

Anyone else care to share?
I just use my real name, I think using a username is just like the kids playing with CB's!!

Oh, for those who weren't around back then, I don't believe in avatars either, I only added one after a revolt by the peasants on here

It's the Kanji symbol Jitsu (meaning art or way), because of my status as a third degree black belt and instructor in Ju Jitsu.
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Name has been stuck with me for a while now... Used it when I was a kid and never had the time to think of something better... But I don't want to use my real name either as there are some bad ppl who take advantage of it for some freaky reasons...

Avatar is a Jablotron company logo. I liked it and used it
Hello, my name is John Doe and I work as a clandestine operative for the CIA. I can speak 9 languages fluently, hold citizenship in 14 countries, own homes and property in 7 countries, a burial plot in Antartica and 3 Swiss bank accounts. My wrist watch is insured by Lloyds of London as is my boathouse presently anchored in a French Riviera harbor. I can disassemble and reassemble 5 of the most common assault rifles in under 3 minutes and I am a graduate cum laude of USMC Sharpshooter school. I can cleanly remove the left front leg off a flea at 1200 yds. using a Barrett .50cal. I am fluent with Windows 3.1 and 98. Now you know why my name is HiTech.
My last name is "Marks", and i like the number 256 because, well... it is 11111111 in binary...

My avatar is Meat Loaf (when he was in his younger years). Reason? Umm... i like his music...
My original nickname was Shadow Knight on an old Major BBS system back in my multiline BBS days. (If any of you know what MBBS is without looking it up I'd be surprised)
I started using OTShadws (Of The) on the IRC because the original was too long, and came up with Sceadwian after finding the Old English word sceadu which has strong Germanic roots and further back into the Celtic/Greek roots which I identify strongly with.
My avatar is the eyes of a Lynx, as I've always been a cat person, Lynx's especially which I use as a game handle what few games I do play, and occasionally as a backup nick during network collisions as Shadow Lynx or SceadwianLox. Lox is an old english relation to Lynx.
I doubt many net users have as much nick history as me though =)
Sceadwian said:
I doubt many net users have as much nick history as me though =)

lol, you were one of the ones I thought of when creating this topic. I actually googled "Sceadwian" one night to see what it ment/was, but didn't come up with much other then your posts here.
Actually they're linked as well (The Lynx and shadow refrence), at least acording to folk lore, the Lynx as a totem animal is a 'keeper of secrets, lost, or forbidden knowledge' Always there, all knowing, but not 'doers'
I'm not a superstitious or religious person, I just identify strongly with those particularly ideals and word constructs. My name fits me very well because I fit it very well to me => The history I've ended up creating for it also suits me very well to people that have known me for a long time on a personal level.
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How did you come up with your username here? What about your avatar? Some are obvious, others not so much
Mine is from the standard abbreviation that System Admins always seem to assign someone named Kim Christensen. Not very imaginative I know, but it is now hard coded in my lizard brain and I can type it without thinking.
No avatar because, did I mention, I have no imagination.
The Lynx's pic reminds me of an F-14 Tomcat wallpaper.


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I was on a hike with some mates on the Tasman Peninsula. One day when I went charging down a steep hill (not the brightest thing to do) one of them called me a suicidal monkey. I signed up for the board a week later and it was the first name I thought of.
Many years ago (about 1971) I needed an identifier as a user name or program name on a computer (a PDP10 at Hatfield Poytechnic), I just contracted my name to JimB and have used it as a "nom de guerre" ever since.

James Butler
My username is simply the nickname given me by others where I used to work.

My avatar is a favorite character from the movies who in some ways is a bit like me.
Hmm...dates back to when I was 14 and did a lot more online gaming. The name just kinda happened one day, and I use it for pretty much everything. And no my name is not Bob. The avatar was in the database, it's Kramer from the US sitcom Seinfeld. I should probably get a more appropriate avatar...I think I'll do that now.
<------ my username derives from the fact I am a huge fan of the University of Tennessee athletic teams, who are nicknamed the "Volunteers". (Home of the current National Champion ladies basketball team, by the way).

I change my avatar like women change shoes... to suit my mood.

Regards and Happy Easter, everyone.
My screen name is a nickname my mates gave me when I dyed my hair bright red. (see attached pic)
They said I look like Zed from the movie Police Academy so that is my nickname in real life and it is also my screen name on a couple of forums I am on.
My avatar is a pic of me without dyed hair


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I hope you're a musician?, because you look like you should be in a band!
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