SD Card Sound

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New Member
Recently I was looking for a chip to record sound. I came across a chip ISD1700. This chip can store 60sec of sound at a sampling rate of 8khz. This then got me thinking. Is there any way of recording sound on an SD card and then playing it back through an amplifier (like an LM386) and speaker? An SD card will hold much more. I haven't a clue as to where to start with something like this. Has anyone done this and if so how is it done? I apologise if this is not the right forum for this question.

You could certainly try using a reasonable microcontroller with an A/D & D/A setup, and read/write the flash though ISP for simplicity, but I don't know what sort of sample rates you could get with a moderately clocked uC like a 20Mhz 16F-series chip. You could always try your hand at a 24F series chip for better MIPS/Mhz.

Why you need SD card to record sound?
Do you need very long time recording?
If not very long, I suggest you another solution for record/play, it is PM60!
You can go here to find it!

PM60 Web site

Hope it is useful for you!
Thanks Logo!

Will have a look. Does not necessarily have to be an SD card. I just need approximately 1 to 1.5min of sound, music and/or voice. Is this PM60 easily available?
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