SDcard and Oshonsoft

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I have only seen it working with a full sized 1G card.... Remember that an SD card pulls quite a lot of current and only works at 3v so make sure you have a 0.1uf cap across the power rail ( some suggest bigger 1uF~4.7uf ) and allow the card to suck up some amps...
hi g94,
I guess you are powering the PIC , LCD from +5V and the SD Card from 3.3V , also using the resistive voltage dividers between the PIC and SD lines.??



Do you get either of theses images of the LCD.?


  • AAesp03.gif
    7 KB · Views: 447
  • AAesp04.gif
    8 KB · Views: 455
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ericgibbs and ian rogers thank

I use the 3.3 v to the SD card and 5 v for 16f876 with divider bridges SDO SDI, I just put a 4.7 uf, and I tested with several 256meg SD card
1 g and 8g, some pictures.
here is my LCD

but it does not have the expected result !! the display should send me the type of card (SDHC, SD ..) and the reading writing test is 0 ..


I have a special license pack1 functions.
with 18F4550 the result is the same,
the 18F4550 SPI protocol SDO = RC7, SDI = RB0, RB1 = CLK, CS = RA5
but may use other pin?
I just did the test with external 3.3V supply, failure ...

I found ...... you just reverse SDO and SDI
RB0 = SDO, SDI = RC7, CLK = RB1, CS = RA5

thank you

hi g94,
Was the crossed pair due to a program or circuit diagram error or was it your connection.?

If its an Oshonsoft error you should send Vladimir a Bug report.

the code is correct and the scheme too.
the problem we have to look at the scheme not to be mistaken.

Thank you all
and soon

Hi all,
I managed to make the examples work, except for FAT16. With raw read / write and FAT32 everything work as expected (with the Vladimir´s wiring) but...for fat32 to work, I had to format the SD card with a formatting utility from SD; just formatting from the PC with windows utilities just didn´t go for me.
hi M,
Thanks for the feedback.

I have ordered a few SD development toys so that I can try out Oshonsoft's SD

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