Look for any of the many, many postings in the area of process automation. A great number of US companies are trying to bring manufacturing back to the US from Asia and the only way they can manufacture competitively priced products is to remove labor from their process. They are doing this with process automation. Everything from toys - cars (and car parts) - medical devices - consumer electronics - sporting goods - shoes - clothing are all coming back to the US (to varying degrees). Also, you can look into Defense contractors but you'll likely need to be an U.S. permanent resident or citizen. All need process control and process automation engineers. Many of these shops are small, local companies that design, program and offer long term support and reprogramming - many are distributors or "partners" for larger companies that you may be more familiar with - Mitsubishi electric, Siemens, Toshiba, Honeywell, GE, ...
Look at indeed.com, Monster.com, etc for listings. Los Angeles, Houston, Dallas, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Minneapolis all these cities have significant manufacturing but nearly any city has some type of manufacturing. I was just in a small town and found out they are one of the largest manufacturers of industrial fans, for example. Just pick a place and start looking.