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Seeking Advice - Hard wire USB

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New Member
Hello there,
Let me preface this with I am an extreme beginner. I couldn't read a schematic to save my life so please keep any and all answers dummy friendly.. :)

My Goal: To have hard wired USB ports in my vehicle.

What I can do, but dont like: I could wire up a cigarette socket use a cheap cigarette lighter to usb adapter and run a usb cable where I wanted.. I could do that but it's bulky and I really just want to make it myself.

What I think I need: I need a regulator to take voltage from 12v to 5v possibly a model 7805 ??

What else do I absolutely have to have?

I would like to do it with as few items as possible and take up as little space as possible as I'm working in some tight spaces. I've seen people make solar powered usb chargers only using the panels and the 7805. From there it's wired to the female usb port. I know the power coming from a tiny panel isn't the same as coming from the car but could such a simple design work? I'd rather not blow up my ipod, zune or my phone so I want to make sure it's right.

I greatly appreciate the help. Thank you.
You need the capacitors and resistors required by the 7805, read the PDF for it, it should be very clear. Mind you at 100ma your power disipation in the 7805 will be 1.2 watts.. If it uses more current say 500ma it'd be 6watts.. Not conducive to tight spaces.
They are referring to reading this pdf data sheet on the LM7805.

Next you could always Google LM7805 Circuits for more ideas. If you have questions then please come back.

I've googled this for a week and haven't found anything helpful for a beginner. That PDF may as well be in Swahili, I have no idea what I'm looking at. This forum appeared to be beginner friendly, I'll look for actual help elsewhere.. Thanks anyway.
I've googled this for a week and haven't found anything helpful for a beginner. That PDF may as well be in Swahili, I have no idea what I'm looking at. This forum appeared to be beginner friendly, I'll look for actual help elsewhere.. Thanks anyway.

OK, sorry. How simple does it need to be? The problem here is that things like using a voltage regulator can only be reduced to a lowest form that requires a little know how. You need a regulator and a few external components. A real simple suggestion would be to hit a Radio Shack and buy one designed for a cigarette lighter plug in as you mentioned and do some hacking to wire it to a 12 volt source.

A beginner might know what an apple feels like in weight when they bounce it in their hand, but that doesn't mean you can know what the planet feels like if you could do the same. You're not trying to juggle planets at the start, but you're starting with moons. If you think there is an easy way into this kind of thing I'm sorry but you are mistaken.

For the basics, try here, for basic tutorials. There is no answer to your question that will make you happy, and you can go anywhere you like and will find no better an answer than that.
There is no answer to your question that will make you happy,

Oh but there is. Helpful would have been go to X web site and buy part 1 and 2 and 3 and solder this to this to this then presto changeo -- a usb charger for the car. I have no doubt that there are some very smart people on this site that could have done that very thing in one minute or less of their time.

I run a forum similar in look to this one, but an entirely different subject. I'm thankful when new people come on and they ask stupid questions similar to mine here, that we don't tell them to "Google It" and actually try to be helpful. What's the point of running a forum on a subject you love and want to share and you don't?
Electronics are not legos, I never said your question was stupid, just that you were misguided in your expectations. If you want a hard wired USB port in your car, BUY ONE and hard wire it. My stepsons Ipod touch and cell phone both came with cigarate lighter adapters which provide regulated USB power from a car lighter adapter. If you want to build one then this is the place, but you don't want to build one =) Wire an existing adapter into your car. If you spent a week to come here to find that answer, then please go back to the forum similar in look but on a different subject and stay there.
I understand they arent legos but I'm not misguided. I'm not looking to develop new technology and am fairly certain that everything I need for this already exists and can be easily listed.. If I wanted to do this by solar power or by using double A's stuffed in a mint tin, there are plenty of lego style kits that I could buy and put together.
I can wire the cig lighter like you say but thats too bulky for where I need it to go. I'd like to not have to take an EE class to do this, it cant be that difficult.

Your signature is fitting btw.

Enjoy your fabulous forum.
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look up on how to add a fuse into your car and once you have done that get it so you have a positive and negative wire

from the positive wire connect it to a 24v 10uf capacitor and pin 1 of the 7805

from the negative wire connect it to pin 2 of the 7805and pin 4 of the usb

from pin 3 of the 7805 connect it to a 1uf 16v and a 0.1uf capacitor and pin 1 of the usb

use a volt meter and make sure the device is giving of 5V

also the 10uf and 1 uf capacitor are polarized. having the wrong polarity will cause a big bang and destory the caps. there will be a lighter band of colour on the negative side of the capacitor
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look up on how to add a fuse into your car and once you have done that get it so you have a positive and negative wire

from the positive wire connect it to a 24v 10uf capacitor and pin 1 of the 7805

from the negative wire connect it to pin 2 of the 7805and pin 4 of the usb

from pin 3 of the 7805 connect it to a 1uf 16v and a 0.1uf capacitor and pin 1 of the usb

use a volt meter and make sure the device is giving of 5V

also the 10uf and 1 uf capacitor are polarized. having the wrong polarity will cause a big bang and destory the caps. there will be a lighter band of colour on the negative side of the battery

This is awesome. Thank you..
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