seeking apology

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New Member
i sincerely apologize before everyone to whom i sent a private message.Actually i joined this site only 5 days ago and i didn't had any sort of knowledge about this fact i thought that sending PM was the way to communicate.I just wanted to discuss about my project but unfortunately and unknowing i committed a blunder. Once again i ask you people to pardon me and very very sorry for disturbing you people.Now this is my first post! and i learn t a lesson.i promise that i never send a private message further.I am very very sorry
1.Look, don't worry to much just make sure that you have all your personal info in the user cp is accurate. From there they know where you at and your not waisting bandwidth.

2.State clearly (Which is often my blunder) what it is your doing in details what your projects about or the problem.

3. Be patient, there are some knowledgeable people here and if given the time will help you. It's worth it.

Post it in the most accurate forum :
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I think I told you to ask your teacher to help you.
I think I told you that a forum in your own country will have people who know which parts are available there.
quixotron said:
this is a commandment from the lord.

What makes you think that he worships the same mythical deity that you do?

JimB said:
What makes you think that he worships the same mythical deity that you do?


hopefully he will see the folly of his ways and convert. i'll pray that he does.
Talk to your Teacher !

If not then Audio Guru will pull a (Q) out around his neck to strangle him for bringing this into open forum.

.................. kv whoooa !
I replied to your message before I noticed this thread.

Don't worry about it.

Also do as audioguru says and ask your teacher.
quixotron said:
hopefully he will see the folly of his ways and convert. i'll pray that he does.

Maybe he's hoping you will see the foolishness of your beliefs and convert to his religion- don't call other people foolish for their religous beliefs.
I get thousands of PMs from Indian students, "Plzzz Sir, make my school project".
audioguru said:
I think I told you to ask your teacher to help you.
I think I told you that a forum in your own country will have people who know which parts are available there.

audioguru said:
I am not going to go anywhere near India.
from another post of Audioguru.

Sir, I fear you mind is around India only as many times you have expressed the opinion that these Indian students may go for their own Indian site and they may not land on the international sites-(approximately meaning to)

If the Site administrators also desire like this, perhaps all the membership can be screened and and a general ban can be given on the Indians, I don't know which other country would follow,

I only feel sad that I have to post these comments. I still wonder how far we would be correct to exclude subcontinents just on imaginations.

With special regards to Audio guru and the management of this site for its efficient way of handling with no regional bias.
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audioguru said:
I get thousands of PMs from Indian students, "Plzzz Sir, make my school project".

At this juncture, I remember a slogan, form a member, that your mail will go to junk box unless it contains ....

I am also against eating other's food. Don't really like to en-block do a proxy work for a project work.why not the management think of blocking PM facility to any member for some time.
quixotron said:
you are forgiven. repent and sin no more. this is a commandment from the lord.

Ignore this guy.

dknguyen said:
But have you ever been asked to build a helicopter like I have?

The request from a new member asking for a 100VA solar powered UPS as an school project is no less than a Helicopter, I feel. He is asked by his school staff as it appeared and not his brainchild.
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