seeking apology

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I like India, and I like Indian people. I find broken English easier and more desirable to accommodate than audioguru's hostility. There's nothing to understand about people who choose to be obnoxious, other than to know they suffer from xenophobia and a lack of imagination
I am hostile toward the billions of students from a single country who send me too many PMs and are asking GIMMEE, SIR!
I don't go to the forums in their country, they should.
mvs sarma said:
The request from a new member asking for a 100VA solar powered UPS as an school project is no less than a Helicopter, I feel. He is asked by his school staff as it appeared and not his brainchild.

Actually it's 1000VA or 600W, he may think it can be done for a couple of dollars.
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blueroomelectronics said:
Actually it's 1000VA or 600W, he may think it can be done for a couple of dollars.
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OOPS- I really missed typing a zero.
How come 2cm square module will deliver that level of wattage? is it perhaps a 12V SPV module? I saw assemblies measuring 30cm*100cm being used to charge a 12V 40AH battery with the help of a charge controller.
mvs sarma said:
OOPS- I really missed typing a zero.
How come 2cm square module will deliver that level of wattage? is it perhaps a 12V SPV module? I saw assemblies measuring 30cm*100cm being used to charge a 12V 40AH battery with the help of a charge controller.

Those teeny cells can barely run an LED. This would be more like it.
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Lovely Photo Bill.... but i fail to find a lightening spike atop the building especially mounted with solar panels?
I got following data about the solar cell, from the site you have indicated.

"Tiny Silicon Solar Cell For the laser communicator, or for powering the three penny radio. (You will want three for the radio.) This tiny solar cell is 2 centimeters on a side. They can be soldered, but we find it easiest to use transparent tape to stick wires onto the cell. "

So, an school student (assuming an age group of 8 to 15) being asked to design a 1000VA UPS with solar supply is, i feel a helicopter design.
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hi Bill,

Found the ideal battery for that large solar panel array..
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I took apart an old calculator to remove its solar panel. But it was just a photo of a solar panel! No wires.
audioguru said:
I took apart an old calculator to remove its solar panel. But it was just a photo of a solar panel! No wires.
Real Joke-- How come? I presume,May be surface mount type with touch contact under pressure and flexible panel-
Ofcourse, I saw one China make pocket Stereo cassette player bought at US and brought here, and to my astonishment, i found a Mono Tape head in it.

like what do you mean?
audioguru said:
I took apart an old calculator to remove its solar panel. But it was just a photo of a solar panel! No wires.
Those are made the same way as the LCD. The wires are very thin translucent gold deposits on the glass and you need a zebra strip or equivalent to make contact to them.
Actually I've seen cheap dollar store calculator with a picture of a photo cell. I remember seeing a shake flashlight that was a fake there (has 3 watch batteries)
blueroomelectronics said:
Actually I've seen cheap dollar store calculator with a picture of a photo cell. I remember seeing a shake flashlight that was a fake there (has 3 watch batteries)
It might be a dual power model.
They make shake lights with batteries so you can still use the light after your arm has fallen off.

Hi Blueroom Bill,
Energizer Canada has a promotion where they give away a free RC helicopter (a cheap one) if you send them 5 UPC labels from their batteries.
I have two identical shake flashlights. One has a real magnet and a rechargeable battery. The other has a plain iron slug instead of a magnet, and watch batteries.

Same (identical) packaging. Apparently the watch battery module was used if something went wrong with winding or soldering the coil.
Stupid comments from the few who like to add another notch to their post's spouting total clap trap.
Reactions: vdd
Many people from India are fine.
Millions or billions of students from India asking for me to do their school work and make parts substitutions is not fine.

I don't get so many of PMs from school kids in any other country.
I don't go to websites in India.

The school kids are asking me about very old parts that are not made anymore. I like new circuits, not old ones.

The "notification of a reply to this thread" sent me to page one instead of the current page, AGAIN.
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