Seeking Help to compile code

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Hello all
Good Evening

I need a help to Complie this code ... When I complie with uVision 2, showing some error related to undefined symbol...please help.
Code is attached...

Thank you in Advacne...
Manoj Soorya


  • Code.asm
    11.2 KB · Views: 249
Where is GLCD.H?? Also.. did you install PLIB?? I have the PLIB, but I don't think there is a GLCD.H in there And certainly not for a nokia ..

I have moved this to a better forum.
Post the error you got .....cut and paste the entire compile dialog associated with
the error. Use windows snipping tool.

Regards, Dana.
I post the code in my first request. It cant compale with MPLab. Showing some error like "undefind symbol"....!!!

This is a code for a clock. How can this code convert into external triggred or count start only when a switch is pressed?

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