Selecting an appropriate uC for sensing application

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Hello guys!

I want to ask your opinion about which uC is suitable for my application.

The requirements should be:
1) possible to execute a fail safe bootloader or Uploader through UART or SPI or I2C. I want this process should be robust to avoid errors like these:
- Communication break.
- New firmware is corrupt by the time it arrives at the bootloader.
- The power gets interrupted during the boot process.
- What if the bootloader has a bug and craps on itself.
For this reason a simple bootloader is not enough, i need some kind fail-safe mechanism to garantee the right loading process.
2) the uC itself should be very robust to hazard environment. The uc is going to be placed it near of high power IGBTs bridges and a lot of current and high voltages will drive near of it. So I need something so robust like and FPGA.
2) the uC is going to be focused mainly for voltage, temperature and current monitoring. So I will need around 20 embedded ADCs and 2 Embedded DACs.
3) I prefer something from microchip because I already know the IDE. It is free and the support is very good. But I am very open to other manufacturers....

Thanks in advance.
Hmmm, nothing too complex then ...

Thought applications and enviroments like that is what PLC was for .....?
1) These are not characteristics of MCU, but rather the qualities of the bootloader. It's absolutely impossible to prevent most of the errors (except the last one). The robustness comes from the ability to recover when these things happen.

2) It is mostly a function of providing good stable power/ground, protection and shielding.

3/4) Many MCUs/PICs with relatively high pin count will have 20 ADCs. DACs are not that common in PICs, but there are may PICs with DACs, as a last resort you can use external DACs.
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