Selling off loads of stuff over the next week or two

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I'm selling loads of stuff over the next couple of weeks on fleabay to make space for an upcoming house move, lots of which might be useful for your junk box, or for use in small projects etc. I will be listing lots more stuff over the next couple of weeks, so bookmark the page and check back often. This is UK centric, but if you want something that I have listed shipped internationally, drop me a message from the ebay listing.

The items can be found here:

I don't know if this is appropriate, if not Mod's feel free to make it disappear

Not quite, I am just giving myself a clean slate for when I move. I have decided that my life needs a new direction before its too late. I'll say no more than that.
I know I will move sooner or later. Maybe I should bin things but after considering the "junk" I have I decided that I have not much. Just little space instead.

Myself looking for living out of this horrible city somewhere in a quieter area.

Wish you good luck.
I've moved a few times, countries in fact, and drastically cut down on the things I have taken with me.
It sort of hurts to sell/throw some things away, but if you haven't used them in a certain time-frame, the chances are that you weren't going to use them anyway.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a bit of a packrat at heart and would love to keep everything, but there are limits to what is reasonable to keep and when transport costs are involved, that which is deemed the most-essential gets precedence.
care to ship to finland, same manner as with books?

to be specific, i'd be interested in that lambda PSU, if costs w/shipping stay reasonable...
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Hey Fez

Did you find place/space for all the books
Nice bookshelf and all built maybe ??

Looking forward to your next tear down of a piece of equipment...and the associated photo's

i didn't have room for bookshelf, so i ''hid'' all books under the bed in a pull-able container, they'll be fine in there . I recently did tore couple printers apart, i didn't start making post of them as they didn't have anything interesting in them.
What printers are these, fezder? Old EPSON machines?

Look again. PSUs are good to keep intact.

Explore the steppers drivers as well. To much integrated maybe is not worth. Interested.
well as it happens, i do have PSU section intact from other, it was made in its own casing. And yeah, they were old printers, other was scanner actually.
I succesfully experimented with a dot matrix printer ???850 (maybe XLR?). Besides learning a lot from the discrete part of the circuit, I managed, after reverse engineering the TAMA board, to make a brain implant replacing the original micro with my 18F452 IIRC to control both steppers at will. I lost my track when starting to deal with belts, gears & pinions.

The goal was a coil winding machine (both main functions are the same as in a printer).

I should resume that in a near future if my work allows.
care to ship to finland, same manner as with books?

to be specific, i'd be interested in that lambda PSU, if costs w/shipping stay reasonable...

I'm happy to ship it to you Fez, let me get back to you with a shipping quote
And sorry wolf but your bidding seems to have an error, 51A @ 12v is 612w, that 865W seems to be input power when output power is is 612w.
IF o/p power would be 865W, O/P current should be around 70 amps. Or did i still read it all wrong?...

Still, i'm interested
Yes Fez, you are correct, I just read it from the side of the supply when I was composing the listing, my brain was in neutral. The max output power is 618W from my calculation. The courier is booked, should collect it on Monday for you, I'll let you know as soon as it is on its way
That's great Fez, I hope it made it there safely mate, with no damage etc. I look forward to hearing the stories of the fire brigade coming to put your bench out
I'll write blog about it at friday, then i should have all stuff to use it safely, fuse and such. it did turn on and works. Fan was sort of broken, one support was resisting wing, luckily i took it apart before turing it on...
Sorry to hear that Fez, I tested it briefly before shipping it and all seemed fine with it. Was the fan physically broken?
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