My trusted GSP350 recently lost connection to it's microphone and sometimes produces static audio. After a bunch a testing I could locate the error to broken/disconnected cables close to or inside the audio jack. I can't replace the whole cable because it has a surround sound dongle on the other side.
My idea is to completely replace the jack with a new one.
- Can I use any audio jack to replace it, or do I need a sennheiser one? (since it has a 5th "ring" on the outside of the jack)
- Do I just solder two cables together, or is there a fitting jack, where I can solder directly to the jack? (and screw a cap on or something)
- Is it possible to reuse the jack, by cutting it open, resoldering and reisolating?
- Basically: Does anyone know if Sennheiser does anything special with their cables or do I just solder a standard 2.5mm 4pin jack onto it?
Best Regards!