I also thought UV would be a key characteristic (assuming you don't have too many mercury-vapor lamps in your living room). If I am to believe these kinds of spectral response graphs, I still think it might but I would like to see them further into UVA (and even UVB, in case you are erasing EEPROMS - j/k). Of course, when there are multiple light sources, it gets complicated. But, if the furthest UV portion (shortest wavelength) is only, or mostly, present in sunlight, you might be able to predict the intensity of sunlight and, thus, the contribution of sunlight to total illumination.
(from **broken link removed** and a lot of other places)
**broken link removed**
(from **broken link removed**)
This guy's patent attempts to do what is being discussed. The rationale for the "why" part is for energy conservation.