Serial Communication

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New Member
I am looking to build a device that interfaces with the serial port (rs232) to start with this will simply turn on/off LED's

i am using a 16F628.
I have built a visual basic program, and what this will do is send a 1 or a 0 and a pin number down the serial port.

What i want the pic to do is recieve this 1 or 0. Then set a pin on the pic to either a 1 or a 0 depending on what has been recieved.

the circuit i am using to interface the pic with the serial port is attached below.

i dont have any problems building the circuit or writing the VB program, the problem comes with the assembly. I simply dont know how to "read" the data into a variable and then read this variable to set the pin.

Could someone point me in the direction of a tutorial or please explain in detail what i would need to do.

Thanks Alot


  • 628uart.gif
    8.9 KB · Views: 917
i looked at the site before but couldnt seem to find it now though

also could anyone reccomend a good pic tutorial book which goes in depth into this kind of stuff?


I am doing something similar, I am trying to transmit from a program made in visual basic also but I am having problems with the program.

I noticed that you are working in Vb as well, and I would appreciate any help with this.

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