Serial port identification & API programming

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Active Member
Hi guys,

This is a tough one. But I have to start somewhere. For starters, what's the name of this 15-pin connector in the picture? I'd like to get a connector to USB for this one. It is said it is a serial connector but I've not dealt with this kind before. The datasheet says:

For additional info, this is an Ocean Optics spectrometer. I'd like to explore the APIs to display the readings using a Raspi and a display. I know, it's tough. But I don't have a choice; I have to learn how to do it.

Thanks and have a nice day!


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what's the name of this 15-pin connector in the picture? I'd like to get a connector to USB for this one. It is said it is a serial connector but I've not dealt with this kind before. The datasheet says:

Did you look at page 21 of the datasheet to which you gave the link?

On page 21 it clearly states:

Is this the information that you are looking for?

You will also find that page 5 of the HR-4 manual gives the pinout of the 30 pin connector. The three pins dealing with RS232 which you want are 1 (RX), 2 (TX) and 5 ground. If you could not find this information I don't think you have much chnce of writing the interface software.

Did you look at page 21 of the datasheet to which you gave the link?

On page 21 it clearly states:

Is this the information that you are looking for?


Whoops. My bad. I read the brochure document (which I thought didn't give much info) and supplied you guys with the correct one (which I just shared from Google) which I thought was the same and obviously I missed the one I shared. Thanks for pointing that one out. From Mouser it seems that they want a minimum 208 order. Lemme look around and I'll update.

Thanks for your motivation. Nope, my programming in .NET is perhaps intermediate and I have experience in microcontrollers for a few years. Also, HR-4 is the breakout board, which I don't have. I just need the specific part like Jim mentioned. I'll take my chances anyway.

Thanks guys!
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