serial port in 877

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New Member
I need a program to send the temperaure measured by a pic16f877 to an interface on a PC made using Visual Basic ... sorry the question may be old .. but that is the first time that I work with serial ports
Shohadawy said:
I need a program to send the temperaure measured by a pic16f877 to an interface on a PC made using Visual Basic ... sorry the question may be old .. but that is the first time that I work with serial ports

How much programming of a PIC and VB have you done so far.?

Which programming language do you use.?

Where is the temperature input coming from.?

You need to give us a lot more detail regarding the project..
Thank you for your reply... I'm using visual basic as the software on the PC and BASIC for programming the microcontroller... I'm using a type k thermocouple as the temperature sensor .... the range of heating will not exceed 250 C .... The visual basic program should take in the value of temperature and display it on a textbox
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