Server Down: Hard Drive Failure.

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For reference this is the error showing:

Working on it.
How goes it, EM?
I'm still unable to upload attachments, but some recent posts by other posters do seem to have attachments.
dear EM
perhaps the reply format can be re designed , not to waste more pace downwards just for the smilees and spl characters forming a vertical column at the left.
A part image as I see on my pc is appended for ready reference.


  • position of spl characters.PNG
    29.4 KB · Views: 304
mvs sarma yeppers it takes a hour to get to the bottom to send a reply LOL not really a hour but it's a long way to the bottom to click send
hi, be80be, thanks for nice joke. i didn't mean that. LoL. but wastage of web space and it is distorted compared to what we used to see the replay window, earlier.
thanks EM
it has been a tough time for you, before Christmas. please accept our wishes to you and family members for merry Christmas, in advance.
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Well I managed to upload an attachment in the '555 monoshot' thread but my attempted uploads in the 'help with water pump' thread don't work.
"Your Posts" section, frozen

I do not know others, but Your Posts for me is stuck at December 8th.

Besides whatever could be missing after the crash, nothing new shows up either.
Test of your posts

Seems to work.
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"Find Latest Posts" in profiles is not updating seems to be frozzen.
Checked all possible places

Checked a moment ago:

Your posts does not work.
Latest posts in my profile does not work.
Subscribed threads does work. Some after the crash are lost but the rest plus the newest ones, they are there.
Checked a moment ago:

Your posts does not work.
Latest posts in my profile does not work.
Subscribed threads does work. Some after the crash are lost but the rest plus the newest ones, they are there.

clear your cache... Your posts works for me too.

Your latest posts are not complete though Your last entry is on April's post, 8th dec
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Cleared cacheX2, refreshed browser, "your posts" doesn't work for me either, nor does "Latest posts by ..." work.

Re: Your posts
Not in any obvious order. Top of list is December 16, 2012, which is a post by another person.

Re: Find latest posts by...
Last listed post for me is December 13, 2012. My actual last post was 12-22-12 at about 8 PM EST(GMT-5).

Browser = Google Chrome
System = XP Pro SP3.xx (current)


Here is a print of the top and bottom of the "Your Posts" search showing the funny order. Sorry for the poor resolution, I didn't want to use up much server memory for this.

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